Monday, March 2, 2009

Are you Kidding Me?

As the Obamacrats look to wage no-quarter class warfare on the production of wealth, we read today that Hillary has pledged $300 million in "humanitarian aid" to rebuild the hot-bed of America-haters known as the Gaza Strip and another $600 million to pay-off the Palestinian Authority ($200M of which is to shore up its "budget shortfall!" Budget Shortfall? Yea, the Palestinian Authority is worried about a "budget shortfall". Maybe they will hold a bake sale in one of their rocket manufacturing sites to bridge the gap...)

Given that only half of Americans pay Federal income taxes, those families-of-four, that actually pay taxes, just had their wallets raided for another $24. With all due respect, how in the hell is this kind of commitment consistent with any moral principle?

Message: Work hard, American-suckers, and we're going to take your money and give it to terrorists. How cool is it to be able to take as much money from Person A and give to it to person B and no one can stop you! Note: Despite the fact that $900 million was committed the AP headline mentioned only the $300 million in "humanitarian" aid... I guess the other $600 million wasn't worthy of mention in the headline... love that liberal bias in the press.

Does anyone want to bet against the probability that President Obama will commits hundreds and hundreds of millions dollars to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail out Eastern Europe (which, it appears Western Europe would just as soon let twist in the wind)? Afterall, the folks from Eastern Europe are in need (the primary justification for confiscating wealth) and none of them are Republicans! :-)

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