Sunday, July 26, 2009

So, do YOU know what's in H.R. 3200?

No wonder Obama is apoplectic these days.

The day after our Orator-in-Chief took to the teleprompter to address America in prime time, presumably to convince Americans, with the use of nothing more than broad-brush, campaign-stump, class-warfare-based generalities, that we NEED to push forward his radical change to our health care delivery system, the Senate Majority leader announced that the Senate would not vote on a health care bill prior to the August Congressional recess, the arbitrary date set by Obama.

The coalition of House Blue Dog Democrats, not Republicans, is standing in the way of Pelosi's effort to cram through H.R. 3200 before the break. Democrats standing in the way of Democrats. Republicans are saying, "So you don't want our help crafting an acceptable bill? OK, then put your idea to a vote. Democrats own a 79 seat advantage in the House, right?"

Advertised as one of three-pillars (Education, Energy and Health Care) of his liberal agenda, reducing the cost of health care was a "must win" for the Obamaniacs. Unfortunately for the liberals, when the non-Kool-Aid drinking adult supervision of the CBO was asked to report to the American people what the cost impact of H.R. 3200 would be, well, let's just say the result was a little deflating for Team Socialism.

As Peggy Noonan stated in her "Common Sense May Sink Obama Care" piece in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, "Resistance to the Democrat health-care plans is in the air, showing up more on YouTube than in the polls, but it will be in the polls soon enough." Obama cares mightily about his polls wonder he's cramming every piece of the Liberal agenda from the last 30 years through Congress during his honey-moon period. When his numbers at the polls begin to tank (which is already happening) his political capital will vaporize before his eyes.

Supposedly our post-racial President is anything but that and he knows this week that he is being called on that claim by the American people. During the press conference on Wednesday, Obama stated, "Well, I should say at the outset that 'Skip' Gates is a friend so I may be a little biased here. I don't know all the facts....Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that, but I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge Police acted stupidly...number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there is a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionally." The fall-out has been deliciously direct and unambiguous from the American people. We're not buying it the racial BS. When the audio tapes are released showing how disrespectful and disruptive Mr. Gates was to the public servants who were trying to do nothing but protect him and his property, Obama's comments are going to be seen as those of a complete racist jack-ass, the "beer-summit" notwithstanding.

So. now, Our Blessed Leader finds himself with a terrible Health Care Bill found in the toxic waste dump called H.R. 3200 and everyday common Americans (unlike Congressmen) are putting aside the other demands of the day to read this awful and dangerous bill to measure the chains that we will all wear should this bill be passed site-unseen (like the $787 billion second stimulus package in February)

If you view this bill on OpenCongress, you'll see the bill has been viewed 18,995 times (and counting fast) with 90% of people "casting a vote" on this bill voting "thumbs down". The message here is that people who take the time to read the bill hate it. But this is as we would expect. Liberals view the world as they would have it and don't bother reading the bill. Conservatives view the world as it is and pore over ever word. Liberals cannot be bothered with details when they prefer platitudes. Conservatives view ANY 1,017 page bill as a potential risk to our freedom.
So, what can you find in this bill?

While tort reform is soooo desperately needed, if the goal is, truly, to drive cost out of the health care delivery system, the words "tort" and "lawyer" appear nowhere in the 1,017 page bill. In fact, the word "malpractice" appears as often (once - page 263) as does the phrase "mentally retarded" (page 389). [Note: The term "mentally retarded" has not been in used in serious health care discussion in a generation. Care to guess how old the working papers are from which the monstrosity called H.R. 3200 are?]

The word "minority" appears on 11 different pages, like on pages 883 - 884, where we read "In awarding grants and contracts... the Secretary shall give preference to entities that have a demonstrated record of training...individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or disadvantaged backgrounds..." Yup. H.R. 3200 perpetuates the picking and choosing of winners and losers based on race.

The words "insure" or "insurance" appear on 146 pages. Under Title I "Protections and Standards for Qualified Health Benefits Plans" (starts on page 14), we read "On or after the first day of Y1, a health benefits plan shall not be a qualified health benefits plan under this division unless the plan meets the applicable requirements of the following subtitles for the type of plan and plan year involved..." On page 19 we read, "A qualified health benefits plan may not impose any pre-existing condition exclusion or otherwise impose any limit or condition on the coverage under the plan with respect to an individual or dependent based on any health status related factors..."

So, if you like the health care package you have, then you can keep it? Right? Wrong. If your current health care package doesn't meet the new standards to be set by H.R. 3200 then that policy will no longer be adequate. The government will continue to ratchet-up the requirements for private health insurance coverage so as to drive private health insurance from the market. Furthermore, the price that a health care insurer charges for premiums must be the same for a 40-year old, overweight, smoker and drinker as it is for a 25 year old healthy person. On its face, does this make sense? Who do you think picks up the difference? The government's moral standard here is to punish people who make good decisions about their health.

The word "regulation" appears on 71 pages. For example, on page 651 we read, "Effective on January 1, 20011...the provisions of this section shall preempt any law or regulation of a State..."

The words "freedom" and "liberty" appear nowhere in the bill.

On page 936, we read "The Secretary, acting through the Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, shall establish a permanent task force to be known as the Task Force on Clinical Preventive Services". Among the far reaching power of this unelected Task Force include "review the scientific evidence related to the benefits, effectiveness, appropriateness, and costs of clinical preventative services identified...for the purpose of developing, updating, publishing, and disseminating evidence-based recommendations on the use of such services."

Among the many chilling aspects of this Bill, the creation of this Task Force, scares me the most. Our personal health history information will be shared with the government through this board and this data will serve as the Potemkin village when the government implements its utilitarian, eugenics-based policy of "cost reduction".

Not surprisingly, the word "abortion" appears on no page of H.R. 3200. However, just as the U.S. Constitution never mentioned the word "slavery", the context of H.R. 3200 is as supportive of abortion as the Constitution was of slavery while neither ever mentions the unspeakable by name. The National Right to Life, in a piece published July 16, 2009, states:
  1. H.R. 3200 will result in federally mandated coverage of abortion on demand in virtually all of America's health plans.
  2. Abortion advocacy groups and Barack Obama view "basic" health care as including abortion, and the health care reform bill as the vehicle for expanding access to abortion.
  1. H.R. 3200 is a terrible bill based on a moral standard offensive to most Americans.
  2. Health care is a commodity that first needs to be produced and then delivered. H.R. 3200 pre-supposes an adequate supply of this commodity, though it presumably increases the demand for this commodity by 18% (47 million increase on a base of 253 million people currently covered). Rather than stimulating the creation of this commodity, H.R. 3200, by its overt policy of price-fixing and service refusal, will reduce the quantity of this commodity as current and future doctors and nurses remove their consent to this extortion by exiting the field, refusing to provide care in exchange for anything but cash, or never entering the field to begin with.
  3. "Universal healthcare coverage" does not create access to healthcare as the Liberals would have you believe. Think of the lines at the most popular rides at an amusement park. What would happen to those lines if the amusement park did not charge an admission fee? Now, to add to the analogy, what if the park reduced the time that the ride was operating, to simulate the reduction in the number of qualified doctors and nurses that government-mandated price-fixing will create, by shutting down the ride for 10 minutes every hour? The only way to reduce lines, given the premise of universal access (i.e no admission price to get into the park) is either to deny access to the ride (only people between the ages of 20 and 40 can ride) , reduce the quality of the service (shorten the ride) or ban the ride entirely. Common sense shows that for the reasons universal access doesn't work in amusement parks it won't work in health care.
  4. The government will, under the Trojan Horse of "efficiency", have an unprecedented access to personal medical history of all Americans with or without their permission. Nowhere in the Constitution is such power granted. A law requiring the mandatory disclosure of private medical information to the US Government is inconsistent with the "necessary and proper" clause of Article I Section 8. As such, H.R. 3200 is unconstitutional and should be rejected by Congress, the President and / or the Supreme Court.
  5. Our taxpayers will be required to fund abortions, a condition that is morally unacceptable to a large percentage of Americans. This element of H.R 3200 is so offensive and unforgivable to such a large percentage of voters, that when this aspect of the bill is picked-up in the media and in town halls across the country, every representative voting for this bill will be thrown-out of office in 2010.