Sunday, December 20, 2009

A "Right" To Health Care

Saturday December 19th, 2009 could someday be regarded as one of the most profound inflection points in American history.  Against a back-drop of an equally larger-than-life blizzard, the Senate Liberals basked in the hubris of the moment as the risk of a filibuster against the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) evaporated with the purchase of Senator Ben Nelson's consent.

The Rushmorian cabal of Reid, Dodd, Baucus and Harkins took to the microphone and started telling the history that they have so craved to read.  The comments by Christopher Dodd were particularly illustrative: "Today, we stand ready to pass into law a bill that finally makes access to quality health care a right for every American, not a privilege for the fortunate few."

Senator Dodd has redefined the definition of a "right".

Thomas Jefferson and our Founders recognized rights as "unalienable".  Rights can not be taken away or given away by the possessor of those rights. Rights are NOT privileges that the government bestows upon the People.  However, Senator Dodd states that the health care legislation that the Senate is cramming down the throats of Americans, against the will of most Americans, bestows a "right" upon Americans that were not there before.

Senator Dodd believes that he and his Senate colleagues have created "rights" for Americans.  Given that our Declaration of Independence stated that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.", how does Senator Dodd reconcile his belief as to the origin of rights with that of our Founders?

In his 1954 book, The Income Tax:  The Root of all Evil, Frank Chodorov wrote, "The axiom of socialism is that the individual has no inherent rights. The privileges and prerogatives that the individual enjoys are grants from society, acting through its management committee, the government. That is the condition the individual must accept for the benefit of being a member of society. Hence, the socialists (including many who do not so name themselves) reject the statement of rights in the Declaration of Independence, calling it a fiction of the eighteenth century"

Given that the Liberal Senator from Connecticut presumes to be providing Americans a new "right" and that a "right", according to Jefferson, is endowed by one's Creator, what conclusion might one reasonably reach regarding Senator Dodd's opinion of himself?  Correct! He and his colleagues are on the same plane as our Creator... or that "rights" are to be bestowed by government upon the people (and not the other way around, as the Founders intended).

The madness of Dodd's assertion that the cost  to recover one's health is to be borne by another is a "right" is furthered by an understanding as to why our Founders documented the Bill of Rights.  Every right listed in the Bill of Rights was a defense of individual freedom against the abuse of power by the government.  Senator Dodd would have us believe that rogue health insurers are the villains in this story - a classic example of cynical projection.  The only risk to any person's freedom is the government. Our Founders had a much healthier fear of the risk to our freedoms by government than do Americans of the 21st century.  This is unfortunate and dangerous.

A "right" is not and never has been a legal claim on another person...until Senator Dodd so ordained it.  Senator Dodd says, "This bill frees Americans from the fear that if they lose their job, they’ll never find insurance coverage again. This bill frees Americans from the fear that if they get sick they won’t be able to afford the treatment they need. This bill frees Americans from the fear that one illness, one accident, could cost them everything – their home, their life savings, everything."

What he means is, Americans now have a right to claim the product / service produced by other Americans much as often as one wants...regardless of the decisions that one makes that influence the cost of that product / service...and to have somebody else pay for it.  Dodd has redefined a "right" as a claim on another human being.

In this Dodd model, two people have their inalienable right to their pursuit of happiness impaired - the health care provider who will be paid less for his / her services than a free market would allow and the taxpayer who will now need to pay not for not only his / her own health insurance but for the health insurance  of someone who now has a "right" to it.  Upon what moral principle does Dodd make this unconscionable assertion?

None.  There is no moral principle underpinning the assertion by Senator Dodd that any human being has a right, enforceable by the unrestrained power of the government, to put a claim on the services of another.  Such a condition is rightfully to be regarded as the 21st century version of slavery.  Already, those of us who actually pay Federal Income taxes (a shrinking minority) labor until April - May of each year just in order to pay the menu of taxes thrust upon us.  With this new "right" we will work longer and longer into the year before we can claim that which we have earned.

It is illustrative to re-read the short essay by William Graham Sumner, The Forgotten Man, which was the basis of Amity Shales' best seller of the same name.
  • The type and formula of most schemes of philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a sociological point of view, is that C is not allowed a voice in the matter, and his position, character, and interests, as well as the ultimate effects on society through C's interests, are entirely overlooked. I call C the Forgotten Man. 
  • For once let us look him up and consider his case, for the characteristic of all social doctors is, that they fix their minds on some man or group of men whose case appeals to the sympathies and the imagination, and they plan remedies addressed to the particular trouble; they do not understand that all the parts of society hold together, and that forces which are set in action act and react throughout the whole organism, until an equilibrium is produced by a re-adjustment of all interests and rights. 
  • They therefore ignore entirely the source from which they must draw all the energy which they employ in their remedies, and they ignore all the effects on other members of society than the ones they have in view. 
  • They are always under the dominion of the superstition of government, and, forgetting that a government produces nothing at all, they leave out of sight the first fact to be remembered in all social discussion - that the State cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man.

It is tragic that bad things happen to good people every single day in the world.  People lose their job, then their health insurance, then a medical calamity befalls them and they are ruined.  What heartless villian would stand in the way of remedying such a condition?

The fact is, at its root, this scenario is possible only because of the over-reach of government into our lives. Rationale people, operating in a free market, would never face the kind of disasters highlighted by the Democrats as the reason for further over-reach of the government. The intentions of government officials are often good, but government is utterly incapable of righting the ills of the world without creating greater ills by so doing.  Government has never understood the Law of Unintended Consequences.
  • Why is health insurance tied to one's job?  Government policy dating back to WWII.  
  • Why are health insurance premiums so expensive?  Because the government forbids the sale of health insurance across state lines and demands "cadillac" plans regardless of what the insured wishes to buy.  
  • Why do doctors run so many tests that are now vilified by the Left as 'wasteful'?  Because doctors are afraid of being sued, due to inadequate tort laws.

The root of our health care problems in this nation IS the government.

Once we accept that "rights" are privileges to be bestowed by our public servants upon those whom our servants favor, then there is no limit to the risk to our freedom.
