Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Odds N Ends

The AP reported today that former President Bill Clinton earned nearly $6 million in speaking fees last year, almost all of it from foreign companies, according to financial documents filed by his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. So, tell me again, Secretary Clinton why there is no potential conflict of interest. Exactly how much does Bill need to earn from foreign companies and governments before there is a conflict of interest?
Kudos to Rep. Mike Pence
(R - Indiana, 6th District) for calling the House Democrats (the Pelosi rouge) in today's meeting with President Obama for their attempt to appear to be engaging Republicans in honest, bi-partisan discussions regarding the proper path for the government to take vis a vis the economic mess, when in fact the Pelosi-nistas are ram-rodding through the same old, worn-out, liberal agenda. Rep Pence, in a statement released on his website, asked:

“What does $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, $200 million to plant sod on the National Mall, $400 million for climate change research, and $200 million for contraception have to do with creating jobs?"

The Democrat bill won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt. The slow and wasteful spending in the House Democrat bill is a disservice to millions of Americans who want to see this Congress take immediate action to get this economy moving again.

“House Republicans have a better solution. By enacting the Republican plan for fast-acting tax relief for working families and small businesses the American people will see immediate results that will put our nation on the road to recovery.”

House Republicans would do well to close-ranks tonight and vow to vote down any such pork fest and force Democrats to take responsibility for, this socialist country-killing bill, that Michelle Malkin has appropriately called The Generational Theft Act of 2009. Remember, the socialists in public now have no interest in controlling the means of production. Instead they look to control the fruits of production. Power is consolidated by taking from producers who are shamed into giving-up that which they have fairly earned and giving it to those non-producers whose votes can be bought.

Mike Pence is one of our country's leaders willing to stand in the face of the Liberal Storm, protected only by the strength of his convictions. Notice when Congressman Pence speaks and then watch, say, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi and compare their composure and confidence. Congressman Pence shows no guilt, no pain, no remorse and no doubt. While each of us is entitled to his / her own opinion, we are not entitled to our own facts. A is A. A is not not-A. Saying that extorting hundreds of millions of our money to fund pet liberal projects will stimulate jobs will not make it so, no matter how urgently liberals want to believe it will. No matter how much they want to believe that A is not-A, liberals will never look you in the eye and say it is so. Mike Pence has no such worries. He is right and knows it. As Americans we owe it to House Republicans to fight the monster that is growing in Washington...

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