Saturday, January 24, 2009

"There are People who Aren't Broke"

As the wheels of the economy were coming off the tracks in Ayn Rand’s chillingly prescient novel Atlas Shrugged, one of the desperate, discredited, feeble central planners states to his cohorts, “You boys have no excuse for permitting all of that need and misery to spread through this country – so long as there are people who aren’t broke.”

As startling, though perhaps unexpected, as Obama’s first week's of Presidential Directives were, they are merely an overture to the greater pageant that is unfolding before our eyes. President Clinton, in his first term, had Gingrich and a united Republican House to check his leftist agenda. President Obama has no such counter-balancing force with which to limit the reach of his leftist agenda – an agenda that will fulfill his promise of change…but a change that few understood.

In a recent piece, entitled A Tyrant's 'Liberation', published in the 1/26/09 edition of the National Review, Otto Reich recalls his memories from another place in time, when the population unhesitatingly heralded the overthrow of an unbearable tyrant and the coming of their savior. All of their problems were behind them. Freedom and equality were finally within their reach. The long awaited liberator - a messiah, perhaps - was delivered. That place was Havana, Cuba on January 1, 1959 and the savior was Fidel Castro.

Fifty years later and after the total and undeniable emasculation of what was once a thriving economy and a vibrant people in Cuba, there are still apologists, if not out-right admirers of the Castro regime. Fifty years of denying reality. Fifty years of believing (of feeling) that, as Rand would say, "A is not A". Fifty years of living with the contradiction between the world that is and the world as these apologists would have it.

Fast forward fifty years. The parades celebrating Obama this week are no shorter than the ones that welcomed Castro fifty years ago. The mindless, desperate unthinking hope of the Cubans fifty years ago is no less than that displayed by hundreds of thousands of sobbing Americans who filled the Mall this week. The firing-squads that Castro used fifty years ago will be replaced by Obama with means more "politically correct" yet comparably effective to silence dissent and to consolidate power. An "unprecedented" time? No, the times are quite well precedented and are in plain view to all who would see them.

So, the Obama Clan (OC) is pushing forward a trillion dollar "stimulus" package, one that no honest, informed person can possibly think will stimulate anything but the rapidly-advancing left-wing power grab. If, the middle class, whom tax cheat Charley Rangel told Robert Reich, former Clinton Labor Secretary and current Obama economic advisor, at the 1/21/09 House W&M hearing, "And one thing you can depend on, you don't have to worry what the middle class will do. Things are so bad. They have to put food on their tables, get clothes on their kids, get them in school." Words uttered not in a smoke-filled back room somewhere - but in full committee, on C-Span. In August 2007, the nation shuttered at the thought of injecting $3 billion into the economy to ease a potential credit crunch. 18 months later, it is $1 trillion and Charley Rangel is saying not to worry...that the middle class is too busy trying to work hard supporting this corrupt government to know it is being further enslaved.

So, it is almost a fait accompli that within a month, in a fabulous signing ceremony (where the choicest interviews and photo ops will be provided to the media who pay more to play), we will witness the spark of the match which will result in our immolation. This stimulus bill will be worse than useless for it will empower the enemies of America. In fact, for its true, primary purposes the "stimulus bill" will be incredibly effective. With the stroke of a pen:

1. Money will flow from those who produce (and will produce in the future from generations to come) to the worst of the worst "shovel ready" programs. Rangel and former Labor Secretary and socialist Robert Reich, in their conspiracy caught on tape for all to see, want a federally mandated formula and criteria to "expedite" tax payer money to land not where it can be most productive, but where it can be least productive.

2. The money is not being spent to pander to current and future voters in the interest of improving their plight. Quite the contrary. The purpose of this "stimulus" package is to make the appearance of stimulating the economy while ensuring that every penny spent is wasted. The OC have no interest in remedying the emergency they have declared. For if the emergency passes, then what would justify their need for emergency measures? The sinister beauty of what we are watching unfold before us dwarfs the horror described by Rand in Atlas Shrugged.

Fast forward one year. As we slip deeper and deeper into recession, where the "light at the end of the tunnel" draws dimmer and dimmer, we will be reminded in the news that this is all the fault of George W. Bush and that President Obama is working feverishly for all of us and that while the initial $1 trillion stimulus doesn't appear to have done the trick, the problems inherited from the Bush administration were much worse than was admitted. But if we all work together we can get through this....but we need another infusion of cash.

So, where will the next "stimulus package" come from? The one that will be pushed in September 2009? It will come from your 401K. Yup. Your 401K. You know, for years, when you've been setting aside money instead of spending it now? That money.

In October 2008, Democrat-led sub-committee hearings were held to review a plan hawked by Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School of Social Research. In essence, the plan would empower the government to seize the assets in our 401Ks, provide some pedestrian income on these stolen assets and do so under the name of "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts".

Too audacious? Really? Do you think there are any bounds or moral limits to what the OC will try to do to bleed America? When candidate Biden was called by a courageous journalist who accused Biden and Obama of promoting socialism (from each according to his ability to each according to his needs) the left was ready in deflecting that parry. In essence, Biden stated "we're not trying to control the means of production." True statement. But as Milton Friedman cited in Free to Choose, "W. Allen Wallis put it in a somewhat different context, socialism, 'intellectually bankrupt after more than a century of seeing one after another of its arguments for socializing the means of production demolished - now seeks to socialize the results of production."

Charley Rangle doesn't worry about any resistance from the producers of this country because we're too busy trying to get by. But so long as there are men and women among whose who "aren't broke" the OC will take steps every day - each step more audacious and pernicious than the last - to bleed the life out of each of us and give our blood to the leeches who posses the one thing the OC needs... a vote.

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