Thursday, February 19, 2009


"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand

If the idea that the remedy to being $50,000 in debt is to go on a massive shopping spree seems contradictory to the nature of reality, you are not alone. Many Americans (but, not enough, regrettably) are trying to reconcile the apparent contradiction in the government's commitment of $787 billion of our money and its stated goal of creating jobs and enabling growth of the economy.

The long list of wasteful projects on which this money was committed can not be honestly defended by its advocates, not that many are actually trying (see video below of the cynical, pompous senior Senator from New York).

Today, our Blessed Leader, with the ink still wet on the Great Intergenerational Confiscation Act of 2009, stated that NOW we need to get serious about reining-in spending. And this time, he means it...

"If we confront this crisis without also confronting the deficits that helped cause it, we risk sinking into another crisis down the road," ... We cannot simply spend as we please and defer the consequences."

Huh? If nothing else, you need to admire Obama for his utter brazenness and ability to lie with such a straight face. His oratory today sounded like his oratory from the campaign trail. Hmmm, perhaps he always sounds like that when he's lying.

So, back to the contradiction. We take Obama at his word that he has just saddled the current and next generation with a trillion dollars of debt for no benefit that honest people would recognize. Paying someone a day's wage to dig a hole and then paying another person to fill-in that same hole certainly creates two jobs (on his way to, was it three million jobs?) but does it create wealth? The answer, of course is "no".

How does the systemic and government-enforced taking of money from our most productive workers and giving it to our least productive workers (or lay-abouts) create wealth? Have you ever worked for a person who made less money than you? No, I didn't think so. Me, neither.

If wealth is created through the vision and courage of bold men and women, willing to "make a better mousetrap" why would we think we could create more wealth faster by taking money from a business leader and giving it to someone who doesn't know how a mousetrap works?

Therein lay the contradiction. There is no data - none - to suggest that this pornographic plunder of America's wealth by the current ruling class will do anything that it claims it will. "Keynsian economics" has as solid a scientific foundation as does the debunked Global Warming theory spun by Gore. Both policies are the darlings of the Liberals because each enables a "fact" based policy that advances the destructive anti-life policies of the Left.

It is only when you check the premise of the contradiction with the Liberal spending platform and change the prism by which one views their actions does the contradiction disappear.

First of all, the Democrats want to cripple enough Americans, and make them dependent on the government, to enable a comfortable 53-47 win in every election from this point forward. Democrats wish to cripple Americans intellectually and economically. Democrats have destroyed the process by which our children are taught in our heavily-funded schools. By every objective standard our schools have failed our children and we are feeling the result of this systemic assault on our children in lower test scores and our competitiveness in industry.

Democrats loath the most productive among us and tax us, villify us, and parade us in front of kangaroo courts called Congressional hearings and then hand-over the ill-gotten wealth, obtained at the point of a gun, to the least productive among us for one purpose - to but their vote.

Democrats (and too many Republicans) favor opening the floodgates on the border with Mexico enabling the influx of millions and millions of future voters (all of whom will vote Democrat because the Democrats promise to take "give them stuff".)

Obama and his crowd don't want the "crisis" to go away. It is only under times of emergency that one can take emergency measures, after all. And if the current times aren't of an emergency nature, well, then tell the American people that we are in an emergency and keep repeating until enough believe the president.

What is so particularly perverse about the recent "stimulus" package is that, by any objective standard, it will fail to produce the favorable economic conditions presumably justifying its imposition and will delay the recovery of the economy. Obama is generating the winds that are creating the perfect storm that will result in "regrettable by necessary emergency measures necessary to address the temporary crisis facing every American."

This lie will justify in the next 18 months:

1. The confiscation of money in 401K plans with a promise of a guaranteed government pension,
2. The nationalization of the former "Big Three" auto makers,
3. The nationalization of domestic airlines,
4. The nationalization of all domestic banks and what is left of the investment-banking industry,
5. A tax on private schools that will result in the closure of over half of the private schools in America,
6. The passage of a national gun-registration law that will all but deny the availability of free American's to enjoy their 2nd Amendment rights,
7. The freeze on wages - first, this will start with those "bad" executives and then, in the dark of the night, will trickle-down to impact every American
8. Nationalized medical care - everyone will be entitled to free health care, meaning that the health care will be neither free, nor available to anyone.
9. The mandatory requirement that all teenagers "volunteer" to help people either unable or, more likely, unwilling to help themselves, and
10. The entry of the United States of America into the New Order of Global Partnership.

Viewed through the prism of the Democratic moral standard, I see no contradiction in the events of the first 30 days of Obama's presidency. His actions and those of his supplicants in the House and Senate are consistent with the book written in 1917 by Lenin and Trotsky. To seize power, lie to enough people to legitimize your power. To consolidate power, emasculate and eventually exterminate those people of talent and wealth who pose a risk to the cabal. To sustain power starve your people, deprive them of hope and live off their helpless consent.

Seem over the top? Seem unfair? OK. Show me another explanation that does not contain a contradiction...

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